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Leather Lifestyle
Petitioning to be Someone's slave
There are certain things that most Masters look for in a slave, whether that slave is to be a full-time live-in slave or a part-time slave. You should try to perfect these:
  • Be polite & sincere when calling or e-mailing. Once you have proven yourself by keeping an appointment or completing an assignment, you will find your calls are twice as welcome because your sincerity will not be in question.
  • Each Master will have His own format for you to get in touch with Him. If you are responding to an advertisement where His phone number is listed, you should call. If you get a recording that says to leave your name, telephone number, and best times to call, - please do so. We will not return any calls from people who can't follow directions that are as simple as that. We won't waste Our time. We doubt that other Masters will either. If there are times listed - say from noon till 10pm - don't call after 10pm, and certainly, don't call 20 times in a row.... or in the middle of the night. We do not appreciate getting calls at 3am our time; you may be horny then but We are usually asleep.
  • Present yourself in the best possible way - well groomed, neatly dressed, no vulgar language.
  • Perfect a task, or a hobby, or something of use to the Master, that will make you stand out from the rest of the crowd. This may be very simple, perhaps you're a plumber, and can install or fix some leaky faucets in His house? Perhaps you know how to cook a great meal, or are a trained masseur, or a carpenter - whatever you are, and everyone is something, you need to make yourself a valuable commodity. I usually ask what skills you would bring to my family/household that will benefit us as a whole. You need to be able to respond with your skills and accomplishments that would be useful to a gay leather household. [Note: Being a sex toy that expects constant use is neither a beneficial skill nore realistic. Saying you want to be kept in a cell all the time means you want the Master to care for you, feed you, clean you, execise you, and actually be dedicated to keeping you healthy -- that is not the right focus.]

Sadly, many potential slaves think that just by saying they are slaves to Him is's not, and you must stay on your toes, because there are many others dying for the chance to take your place. A good Master is not looking for a slave who drives a Mercedes, or has millions of dollars (although that would be nice if he was willing to contribute some of those millions to the family - LOL). Your penis size neither matters, nor should you offer it unless asked. What matters is that you can be taught to perform the duties and tasks that he will find most useful. What matters is that you are in good health, and are willing to walk to the ends of the earth for Him, if He felt inclined to ask you to, otherwise, you will not be a good slave.

All too often, a potential slave will make a commitment to a Master after little more than the most cursory conversation. This is a recipe for disaster, both mental and physical.

Communication between a slave and a Master must be open, honest and without fear or retribution. How else does a Master know what your limits are? Don't trust memory, in every session you must both take the time to go over everything so that it is fresh in both minds.

We usually will have a long talk with you prior to our first session. In fact, if you move into our household it may be a very long time before that first session is actually held. Prior to each subsequent session, we will usually talk about the session, and what we are going to do this time. We will usually ask you any questions that may have come to mind. You should take the time to have prepared any questions or issues that you are concerned with. Safe words etc., will once again be repeated.

Every Master has a preferred method to petition to become part of his household or family. Ask what his preferred method is. If you are interested n becoming a member of my family or my household, download the application here.

Another Perspective
The following essay has been taken from a Yahoo Group. While lengthy, it is very good advice for anyone interested in this lifestyle. It was written by heterosexual BDSM participants so don't be concerned about gender references. The only changes I have made are in some spelling and to clarify grammar.

*awaiting the One*
Within the class of submissive souls to whom slavehood is a vocation and slavery the ultimate goal, many are happily collared. Many, many more, however, are not. They are still waiting for their One, the Master or Mistress to whom they can give their lives completely, their submission totally and their consent unconditionally. Commendable though this patience might be, the waiting time can appear more than just a little frustrating at times. What does one do when every fiber of one's being is screaming for submission, while one has not yet found the person to whom such total submission seems right and natural?

If you belong in this group, or if you are simply biding your time where your submission is concerned for any one of many perfectly legitimate reasons, there is in fact something you can do. You can spend the waiting time "preparing" yourself. Note the quotation marks however. There is a distinction here that is vitally important to make.
You are not doing this for "the One to come", you are doing it for you. Why? Because if you do it for "the One to come" you run the very real risk of ending up worshipping a romanticized Deity of your own creation that no Dominant, no matter how good, stands a snowball's chance in hell of competing with. Instead of preparing yourself for "the One to come", consider it improving your own marketability.

Most of it is a matter of common sense. You probably already know what Dominants generally tend to look for. Some of it you'll have down pat. Ignore that and get the other areas up to specs, then work on improving the whole.

Here are some of the things you might look at:
  • Read. A lot. BDSM material is fine but not essential. Practice reading long passages and distilling the relevant information out of it. You will need the ability to recognize the essential parts of a message right away.
  • When you've read a novel or a short-story, retell it in short, concise terms. Bear in mind that the screenwriter behind Gone with the Wind was asked by the producer to tell the plot, the particular twist and the special ending of that story in three sentences. He did, the script was sold and the rest is history. It can be done, and as a slave you will be expected to express yourself with the fewest possible words, leaving out all non-essential detail.
  • Monitor your speech. Your voice most be soft and discrete, yet clear enough so that the Dominant won't have to ask you to repeat. It has to carry authority and humility at the same time. Practice singing, if only in the shower, but don't be bashful. It works wonders for voice control.
  • How is your handwriting? Try practicing calligraphy. It's fun, it's decorative and it will make your notes and journal both easier and more pleasing to read. It also teaches patience and focus.
  • How are your spelling and grammar? These are extremely important. Without them you simply cannot express yourself in a pleasing fashion. Also weed out colloquialisms and swearwords. Foul language has its place, when you're invited to use it. Besides, your mom will love you for it. Here's an example of how important it can be: no matter how great his potential, if a would-be trainee's written application to Me contains two spelling errors (including typos) or more, he's ditched. If he doesn't take Me seriously enough to proof his writing, how can I take him seriously at all? [NOTE: We are a little more lenient on this - but not a lot!]
  • Learn how to convey good wishes without making them sound like commands. "Good night" is acceptable; "sleep well" is not. "I wish You a speedy recovery" is acceptable; "get well soon" is not. "Good day" is acceptable; "have a nice day" is not; and so forth.
  • By the same token, learn how to avoid asking questions that indicate a desired response. For example, some waiters have the deplorable habit of asking the patrons if they enjoyed the meal, or if one dish or another was to their liking. Although the intent is no doubt to show an interest in the well-being of the patron, it comes off as daring him to say that something was wrong. Besides, what are you going to do about it once the said meal is over? If he cannot just keep quiet altogether, it would at least be much better for the waiter to say, "I hope you have enjoyed your meal." That is a statement, not a question, and it is up to the patrons how they wish to respond, if at all.
  • As you go about your daily errands, observe the people around you. Notice their gestures, their peculiar gait, the way their faces change expressions during a conversation. You need to be aware of the smallest signs to the point of telepathy. A slave is nothing if not supremely observant.
  • Don't just walk into a room, enter it. Map it out thoroughly as quickly as you can. Particularly how to get from the door to [choose an item of furniture representing a Dominant, a lampshade or wall painting makes good practice] by the most direct route. Walk to that item as directly as you can without taking any detours. When you have that down, try leaving the room without turning your back on the 'Dominant'. This can be fun too. And infuriating.
  • Pay attention to what you're doing and finish each movement before you start the next. Getting up to take your mug out to the kitchen? Don't grab the ashtray as an afterthought on your way out of your chair. In fact don't reach for either until you're standing up. Take your time. You have all night. Monitor your gait. Are your footfalls heavy? Step more lightly, gracefully. You don't want to be heard walking through a room, much less felt.
  • Doing the TV dinner thing to save time? Quit it. Switch off the computer and make yourself a two-course dinner, serve it at the dining table which you have properly laid out complete with candle and cloth napkin. Do this every night. If you feel silly eating like that by yourself, bring a book, don't have the TV running if you aren't watching it anyway. Get yourself accustomed to silence. Love it, don't loathe it. And take your time with your meal. Why would you do this when there's a chance you'll be eating in the kitchen from a bowl on the floor? Because you'll also have to cook so you need to build confidence in your cooking and the ability to taste your way through a recipe rather than relying on it to the letter.
  • Work on reducing your sleep. Nobody needs 8 hours. 5-6 is entirely adequate; the trick is to sleep well throughout that time. Find out when that is and go to bed half an hour before. Get up when you wake up, don't lie around even on Sundays. As a slave you may not be able to sleep more than the strict minimum and you may not even be doing it in a bed.
  • Develop lots of little routines during your day then break them. Most of your service will consist of routine, but you might be called upon to serve your Master at any moment. You need to be able to respond with grace and efficiency. The minute you're interrupted in your dish washing because you're needed to do something else, those dishes must instantly cease to exist for you.
  • Train yourself in giving pleasure, bodily and otherwise. Work on your inhibitions. Not just sexual acts, learn how to give massages. Get used to the idea of sexual practices that might gross you out. If your Dominant wants you to perform that way it does not necessarily follow that he is particularly interested in knowing what you just had for lunch. Your body belongs to your Dominant, as such He may have you perform acts that you do not care for.
  • Train yourself in receiving pleasure. When your Dominant touches you, He expects an honest, uninhibited response.
  • A few pounds above your ideal weight? Get rid of them. A few pounds below? Add them. Barring a small number of diseases that affect these things, contrary to politically correct fallacy, body weight and shape is very much a matter of choice. This is not about male-chauvinistic sexist ideals, but about having sufficient personal discipline to treat your body with the respect that it deserves. You don't have to look like a glamour model or the Marlboro man by any means, but you do have the power to look the way nature intended.
  • Learn to apply make-up, and different coifs for your hair for any of a number of given appearances. You future Master may want you to appear subdued and conservative for business engagements, look like a starlet for nights out, then be a 'painted tart' for a night of fun at the local dungeon. Also learn to adjust your wardrobe to match. And learn to wear a collar, not just around the home but on the street as well. [NOTE: OK guys, stop snickering or We might make you paint sometime. Suitable appearance is just as important for you.]
  • Do you have "baggage"? Emotional bruises from a previous relationship? Work through it, with or without professional help, but do not rely on a future BDSM relationship to do this for you. BDSM has arguably little or no therapeutic value, and very few Dominants have any business pretending to be shrinks. At best a BDSM relationship will do some small bit to help you deal with past traumas, at worst it will aggravate them. It is up to you to reclaim your life completely, before you enter into such a relationship. How can you give something to someone, if it isn't really yours to give away yet?
  • Is there a particular household chore that you hate? Become an expert in that particular chore. You may never learn to like it, but you will at least become so good at it that it will not take more time than absolutely necessary, which it probably does right now.
  • Train yourself to spend increasing amounts of time on the floor, sitting on the floor beside your favorite chair, sleeping beside your bed rather than in it.  Spend the night there occasionally.
  • Follow world news. Go to museums. Listen to music. Make yourself able to converse on current issues. You don't need to know every single name in the House but you do need to be able to at least ask intelligent questions.
  • Most important of all: get out, see friends, have fun. You are a slave, not a hermit, and you must always be alert to the danger of building up your own cozy little world to the exclusion of everyone else including your One.

The foregoing may seem exhaustive it's merely the tip of the iceberg. Think up things yourself; that alone is training because creative thinking is valued in a slave. The greatest value of all, however, is you. The point is not to change into someone else, but to become more you. Always keep in mind that you are doing this for you. And yet, stay flexible. When you do meet the One, S/He will probably want to change some of the ways you do things. Be ready and able to adjust swiftly.
The following essay has been taken from a Yahoo Group. While lengthy, it is very good advice for anyone interested in this lifestyle. It was written by heterosexual BDSM participants so don't be concerned about gender references. The only changes I have made are in some spelling and to clarify grammar.

So you want to be a slave: The Realities
I decided to write this article because I have seen so many submissives come into the lifestyle expecting everything to be dream-like and perfect. I don't wish to ruin anyone's dreams, or turn them from the activity, but what I wish to do is to explain how things really are. Being a slave can be, and is for me, a wonderful life. It's everything I wanted it to be. It is also more than I ever expected, and had someone explained the realities to me prior to my decision, it would have made my transition so much easier. For the purpose of this article, I am addressing issues related to being a 24/7 slave. These comments are from my viewpoint, which is that of a female slave with a male Master. By no means do I wish to exclude Domme's or male slaves. For them, I cannot comment from personal experience. This is just my view from a real-time experience.

First, there are a few things you need to discover for and about yourself. Do you wish to be in this type relationship 24/7? Perhaps you only wish to be in it during the scenes. Maybe you want to role-play only during certain times. There are many ways this activity can be done, but you have to figure out what is right for you.

Second, you need to learn to be honest with yourself. Figure out what you will and will not do, and what is a "maybe". Search inside yourself for what you really want, and when you find it, be honest to anyone you talk to. Don't agree to something long-term that you know you will not be able accomplish. Ask yourself some hard questions. The rest of this article will give you aspects to contemplate so you can base your decisions on reality, and not someone else's dreams of how it should be.

Are you prepared to surrender 100% control of your life to someone else? 24/7 slaves do this. Role-playing would mean entering into this relationship only for the time agreed upon that the Master would have the total control. Once the scene is over, everything returns to normal.

Do you enjoy country music? Maybe you love Rock and Roll. Consider this. The Master who's collar you will eventually wear, may only like classical or another type of music that you don't enjoy. Are you prepared to give up those selections and only listen to His music? This type sacrifice can apply to many other things you currently enjoy. For myself, I love old love songs of any type, and my Master is into Hard Rock. Because of His preferences, I rarely get to listen to my songs. But, when I am a good girl, at times, He does permit me to listen to my choice of music, as long as I get my assigned tasks and chores done. Note, I said, "permitted to". Something as simple as listening to the radio is a reward for me. It is not a given that you will be permitted to enjoy even this little pleasure whenever you wish. These limitations can apply to many areas of your life such as TV, choices of food or friends, just about anything! Is there a certain style of clothes you love? Certain colors and scents you wouldn't be caught without? If your Master doesn't approve of them, you may be wearing a totally different style with colors you never would have dreamed of. He may lay your clothes out for you every morning. Are you prepared to abide happily by His choices? If He asked you to wear something very skimpy to someplace simple like the grocery store, could you do this without hesitation? I am lucky in the fact that my Master lets me chose my own clothes most of the time. But at anytime, should He decide that He wants me to wear something else, I am to change immediately. Trust me, He does exercise this right. I have learned to always ask Him what He would like me to wear if we are going someplace special.

Are you prepared to change your hairstyle, length, or color to please your Master? All of these will belong to Him once you accept your collar as will everything else that once belonged to you. You will no longer own anything. From the time you take His collar, everything will be His. It will no longer be "your" car or "your" clothes, but "His", on loan to you as He sees fit. If He should so choose, you will not be permitted to wear clothes at all. This will be HIS choice, not yours. Remember, you will have given up all rights to make these choices for yourself.

You have a favorite chair, or a certain way you like to sit or walk? Your Master will decide whether you sit on furniture or on the floor. He will have the say if you are to cross your legs, or sit with them spread wide-open. You will have to ask permission to even climb into bed, or sit on a chair. Most slaves are allowed a cushion on the floor that they do not need permission to sit upon, but very little else. You will even need permission to eat at the table with your Master.

It's been a long hard day at work. You get home and want nothing more than to relax in a tub and go to bed early. Well, you won't be able to. Being tired, ill, or just in a bad mood does not excuse you from your required tasks. You are still required to do them: prepare His meal, and go to bed when He tells you to. Retiring for bed usually occurs at a set time, even if you are not ready to go. There will not be an "I am too tired" or "I don't feel well: nothing of the kind. Unless your Master has excused you from your tasks and chores, you will remain responsible for making sure His needs and wants are filled: no matter what. It is your job to inform your Master of your physical health status. One of your main jobs will be to take care of and protect, His possessions. You being the most prized one He owns. As long as you let your Master know how you are feeling, He will make sure that your tasks will be appropriate to your capabilities.

Many come into this lifestyle looking to be used sexually, to service their Master at His whim. They never consider other aspects. The main part of being a slave is to be of service to your Master, and not to be serviced for yourself. However, being readily available to Him at ALL times is also an unspoken expectation. The old excuse "not tonight dear, I have a headache" doesn't work in a D/s relationship. In order to provide Him pleasure, you must also express to Him the pleasure of the moment for you as well. NEVER make your Master feel this is a chore to you: something you would rather not do, but will only because you have to. If your Master tells you to do something, it will not be up to you to question Him. You will be required to respond with no questions asked. At a later time (if this is permitted in your relationship), you may ask Him for permission to speak on an equal level. If He gives permission, this will be your opportunity to ask your questions. However, it is important to ask in a way so as not to question His authority, but at the same time to satisfy your curiosity.

Do you feel being a slave is to be coerced: forced into servitude? Do you think you couldn't do this unless you were? Then think again. Slaves enter into this relationship of their own free will. This is not the day of forced slavery; it is a matter of choice. YOURS! You are the one who will decide to give over your power to your Master. You will be doing this, not because you are forced to obey, but because you need to. Yes, during the course of your relationship there will be times you will be forced to do something, but it will never be something that goes against who you are.

Your Master may feel obeying this command will help you to grow into the best person you can be, or will help you break out of an inhibition you have.

How is your temper? Are you quick to fly off-of-the-handle when you are upset? Or are you laid back, accepting anything and everything, and then go off to sulk because your feelings were hurt? A Master does not wish to have a doormat for a slave nor does He desire to be told how things should be. Learning when and how to say things will become very important in your relationship. If you do not tell your Master when something is bothering you, then you have no right whatsoever to become upset. However wonderful and omnipotent He may seem, He is not a mind reader: unless you tell Him, He won't know. The key, as I said a moment ago, is in how you tell Him.

Your self-discipline is very important in this relationship. Do you tend to put things off until the last possible moment? You won't be able to do this when you are owned. There will be chores and tasks your Master will assign that He expects to be done in a timely fashion set by Him, not by you. Your Master's wants and needs will be put before your own. Self-discipline is similar to self-control. Your ability to follow complete assignments made by your Master will be very important. As a slave, you will need to be able to control your own actions well enough to be able to remain within the boundaries set for you by Him. If He says you can't do something, simply, you can't. Doing it anyway, and not telling Him doesn't make it right. In the case of a Master/slave relationship, what you don't know CAN hurt you, as well as the relationship you have worked so hard to build. Even a simple "white lie" can destroy the trust so necessary to really establish this type relationship.

As to wants and needs of your own: do you know the difference between the two? If not, I strongly recommend you figure them out before entering into servitude. Sometimes the two are hard to distinguish, but it will become important that you do so. Your Master will ensure all your "needs" are taken care of, but the "wants" will be His to allow or not, as He sees fit. Needs are the necessities of life that are required in order for us to remain mentally and physically healthy.  They allow us to grow emotionally and spiritually. If you can survive without something, then it is a want. Wants are usually given as a reward for good behavior.

In order to be a slave, there will be many things you have to learn to accept within yourself and adapt to. Your primary purpose in life will be to see to your Masters pleasure (both mentally and physically) in any manner He should desire. In order to do this, you will have to learn your Master well. Find out what pleases and displeases Him. By this, I do not mean just sexually. You will learn that sex is but a small part of your relationship. Learn to anticipate His every need and desire without being pushy. His needs and desires will encompass intellectual stimulation, physical pleasure, emotional support, and many other things unique to Him. Remember - physical does not equal sexual. Physical pleasure may include, but is not limited to, touch, favorite foods, textures, clothing, and colors as examples. It will be your job to make sure His physical pleasures are met in every way. Think of the five senses, and make His environment pleasing to all of them. Never forget - the most pleasing thing in His environment should be you.

As His slave, it will be up to you to figure out what pleases your Master. He should not have to ask constantly for the basic things - you should have learned them. If His glass is empty, quietly and unobtrusively refill it. Remember, you are doing this for His pleasure not your own. Just because He does not notice and praise you doesn't mean you are doing it wrong. Look at His smile. Is He comfortable? If He looks happy and content, then you have done well, and should bask in His content. Always remember that you do this for Him and not for your own satisfaction. Your happiness should come from serving Him and His being happy.

As I said in the beginning of this article, I am not trying to scare you away from the world of D/s. My goal is to make sure that, when you enter our lifestyle, you do so with your eyes wide open, fully knowing what to expect. The road will not be an easy one. You will have to re-learn much of what you once took for granted: things you just did without thinking, like simply sitting in a chair. These are habits we never even think about anymore. That is, until we find a Master.

Everything else you learned before reading this article is probably true. Being a slave is a wonderful life: one where you are taken care of. Most decisions are out of your hands and in those of your Masters. But, many choices will still be left up to you. Most Masters want a slave who is smart, has a sense of humor, and a will of their own. There is no pleasure in owning a doormat who just sits or is only walked upon. He will become bored very fast. Being yourself is the best advice I was given, and I have found this to be absolutely true for me.

You will find being a slave everything you dreamed of and so much more if you enter this life knowing more of what to expect. If you are meant to be in the lifestyle, you will find that, where you were once only walked through life, you will be gliding on air. Parts of you that never were complete will then become whole. In relinquishing control, I have found freedom: freedom to find and be the person I am inside.

It is my hope that, after reading this article, you will be able to make a more informed choice about entering this lifestyle. Never forget that, one of the most important requirements for existing in this lifestyle is honesty. Honesty with yourself first. However, you will find that this is not as easy as it sounds. Once you learn to do this, you will find yourself at peace and able to enter your servitude with clearer mind, knowing where you are and where you want to be. When you accept your Masters collar, you give up all your rights. Your friends, your life - nothing will remain yours. Being a slave means giving up so much more than you would if you were only being submissive. You give up all rights in your life. Slave isn't just a word; it's a way of life, a defined action.

These articles have focused primarily on physical and mental attributes. Do not ignore spirituality. A healthy spirituality will contribute significantly to maintaining a healthy physical, emotional and mental life. Most Masters that we know encourage their slaves to maintain healthy and active spiritual lives as long as any associated religious beliefs or practices do not interfer with the D/s relationship or the smooth operation of the home. Having a healthy spiritual life is not the same as actively participating in or belonging to a particular religious denomination.

Most of the Masters we know would dismiss a slave before forbidding the slave to practice his religious beliefs or requiring the slave to change those beliefs. For instance, I would dismiss a slave (or refuse to accept a slave) whose religious beliefs limited my ability to obtain medical assistance for him if I deemed it necessary. I would not try to change his religious beliefs or to force him to accept something that violated those beliefs.
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