About MasterShack

Master Shack's Web

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This website is intended to inform you, my most welcome guest, about who I am and some of the things that interest me. Basically I am a gay man who enjoys the kinkier side of life.

As Mary Howitt's spider put it, I have many things to show you or tell you about.

However, if you go any further into my web, it is with the full knowledge that this site is intended for mature minds. This site contains information of a mature nature and is not appropriate for minors, underaged youth, prudes, religious fanatics, or closed minds. If you fit any of these categories, or are not sure, please use this EXIT now.

If you want to use any information or image(s) contained herein, please contact me. You will find I am a very reasonable person.

NOTE: Throughout this website I use male pronouns unless I am refering to a specific person or group of persons who I know prefer a different pronous. This is for my convenience because that is the way I think as a gay man and how I usually express myself. If this offends you, get over it. I am not changing it. Also, the term "submissive" is usually used to refer to anyone in a subordinate role within a power exchange relationship, regardless of the actual title used in such a relationship. Similarly, the term "dominant" is used to refer to anyone in a superior or controlling role, regardless of the title they may use.
"Will you walk into my parlour?" said the spider to the fly.
"'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy. The way into my parlour is up a winding stair. And I have many pretty things to show when you are there."

Mary Howett
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