Philosophy - About MasterShack

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Leather Lifestyle
Our Thoughts on the Leather/BDSM Scene

Many people consider the practice of bondage, discipline, dominance or submission as evil or perverted. We are not among those. We believe that these psycho-sexual roles can be safe (and enjoyable) provided certain conditions are met:
  • The participants must be adults capable of giving informed consent. (This implies that all participants fully understand all of the risks involved in these activities.)
  • All participants must be willing participants -- no one should be forced, tricked or coerced in any way to participate.
  • All participants must understand and be willing to respect the limits, desires, and preferences of the other participants.
  • If sex is involved, it should always follow the Safer Sex guidelines.

In a Master and slave relationship, there must be a division of responsibility and obligation; such relationships are based on inequality and trust. These clearly defined parameters are absolutely necessary to the success of the relationship. The typical family or lover arrangement is (at least in theory) based on equality and seldom, if ever, identifies and clearly defines the individual's role within the relationship.

In all things, the Master must be concerned for the slave's well-being as He sees it just as the slave must be concerned for the Master's well-being.

The Master's main responsibility is to do everything within His power to maximize the potential of his slave(s); and that potential can be awesome. As Master, He is responsible for freeing the slave from limitations and requiring the slave to excel in every part of life. The Master's general responsibilities are:
  • Maintaining and protecting the trust bestowed upon Him by the slave's submission. A good Master will see the slave's submission as a priceless gift (a good slave sees it in that light as well).
  • Clearly establishing the terms and conditions of the slave's service, including restrictions on the slave's activities and the Master's rights to use the slave.
  • Ensuring the physical, emotional and spiritual health and safety of the slave.
  • Providing training, guidance and direction so that the slave might achieve his true potential.
  • Exercising care and sound judgment in all things, remembering that in all things the slave's condition and conduct reflects directly upon the Master.
  • Establishing and maintaining effective lines of communications.

A slave is obligated to have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions of his submission, and what restrictions are placed upon him. The slave has willingly surrendered all freedom to his Master and agreed to His domination and control. As long as the slave remains in this relationship, he is expected to obey his Master without question or hesitation. A slave's general responsibilities include:
  • Ensuring that he does nothing to endanger or threaten his health and well-being, that of the Master, or that of the Master's household.
  • Notifying the Master of any changes in the slave's physical, mental or emotional health or well-being. A slave should also share with the Master any significant changes in the slave's personal attitude. (Sharing such changes in attitude could prevent serious complications in the relationship.)
  • Freely communicating with the Master, no matter what other restrictions may be imposed upon the slave. The importance of communication cannot be overemphasized--it is an essential element of any relationship.
  • Being honest, open, available, and accessible physically, mentally, and spiritually to the Master at all times.
  • Exercising care and sound judgment in all things, remembering that in all things the slave's conduct reflects directly upon the Master.
  • Understanding that a slave's primary function is to serve and please the Master. Success or failure in this regard is measured not only in terms of how effectively it is accomplished, but the manner in which it is accomplished.
  • Understanding that a slave's secondary function is to be both desirable and pleasing as he serves his Master. This includes being consciously concerned with the Master's pleasure and well-being, solicitous of His needs and of the various means in which the slave might be more pleasing to Him.

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